Friday, May 4, 2018

End of year Publication - BAGD Final High quality mock up.

As the printing for the end of year show publication will not be till after the deadline it seemed a good idea to print out a really high quality mock up and showcase the designs as best possible. Printing the publication out to size and then spray mounting and folding it to size allowed a better understanding of how it will look when finally printed. Furthermore I have printed a collection of 8 post cards with real student work on to show how the designs will be displayed. The die cutting could not be replicated with the facilities here so cutting out each shape was done with real care and precision. The content for the publication has not yet been collected so a large number of image were taken off Pinterest to show how the final designs might look.

The focal point of the designs is to see the different work through the die cut shapes. This has been shown above with the different postcard designs. The quality of the publication is a high as can be achieved in the university considering it is much larger than A3 double sided.

The next step is to photograph the designs as high quality as possible for submission and use in my portfolio.

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