Though the overall delivery was much more in line with my original idea it wasn't really right, experimenting with some different typefaces, weights and page layouts allowed me to see what looked most natural and together.
I decided against the use of an image on the front cover, this would put the whole focus onto the bold type at the forefront.
Each of the letterforms in the typeface has been slightly rounded and made to be more irregular this is to give the impression of a woodblock printed cover.
The balance of texture was very important, I wanted to give the impression the newspaper was quite old but not totally unclear.
With the subheading ' A true account.... ' I experimented many times with typefaces and spacing, this type shown seemed to have the best communication, balance with the other imagery and a directness that reflected the contents imediacy.

Overall I was pleased with the communication of the covers and how they related to the theme of the book as well as the target auidence.
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