Though all the designs have a old fashioned feel to them its interesting to see how the design has changed and some of the key elements of typically 'Spanish' design.
As the book looks art design and architecture it is interesting for me as these are some of the main themes of my 'Guide to'.

This beautiful design for the cover of the 'El Sueno Interrumpido de Miro; exhibition shows how design can be minimal yet feel exciting and interesting, the use of the flat blue colour alongside the simple white type lets the main piece of art work be the focus but communicates clearly. I think this very bright use of colour is something quite typically Spanish and would be good to include in my work.

This poster for the 1986 'Las Espanolas del Ano' event is very simple but keeps with this simple but eye catching design. I love the use of the simple shapes and the two red and yellow colours that reflect the Spanish flag. The type is clear but not over powering and the whole poster feels together.
It is important to look at some older examples of Spanish design to see where it is the design has come from and what elements underpin the aesthetics of the designs.
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