The artfund - Perfect work of art advert. This ad uses a small panel of very different people and asks simple which do you prefer.
This painting or this sculpture this then sparks a frenzy of opinions, and everyone who before seemed disinterested begins to really think about which they prefer.
This continues comparing many more artworks and the people seem more and more interested. It is highlight the idea that everyone has an opinion and there is so much out there to discuss in art.
it shows really similar works and very dissimilar works - and the audience begin to agree and disagree.
It then finally says after much voting it has found the 'perfect' work of art. This we do not see but the looks on peoples faces show their thoughts
This is then followed by the tag line -

One work of art can't please everyone.
The advert really captures the correct tone of voice and is really intriguing. Using opinions allows for everyone to have there say and make them think 'what is the perfect work of art' Also commenting on the idea of subjectivity in art and how this plays a large roll in what we all like.
The high production value of this would not really allow its use of the YCN brief but give a great insight into the tone of voice and what kind of thing they would want from the student art pass.
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