Monday, February 22, 2016

Final Design 3

With this Final Design 3 I began by using the three main colours being blue, green. red and  yellow for the background squares but felt that using an aditional frame for each may soo more exciting and be an interesting change, I then looked at a multitude of different combinations of mask colours in conjuntion with the background and the frames. I felt this gave the design another level of deatil and intrege and would be a interesting change from the other two final designs.

 After I was pleased with the colours I had selected I then cut out the masks to get a feel for how they look next to the frame and background.

This image shows the four masks cut out and stuck down, at this point I was very please with the designs and wasnt shore if it needed any more detail I experimented with some further details shwon bellow creating the eyes for each mask I am still yet to decided which I prefer and I think the best solution would be to scan the design as it is now and then after experiment with more detaiul and decided which I feel ia more enagaging.

The image bellow is the high quality scan of this Final Design 3. I think I may have to look at scanning again as the colours do not seem as bright as the orginal version.

After scanning in my design I felt it did need an extra level of detail just to give the masks more of an expression and character. Looking at what had been successful in the previous two designs I then used the original background colours to make up the features of the masks. I wanted each mask to be as different as possible to emphasis this idea of a different styles and cultures. I am please with the overall quality and image of this third design. I think the subtle, naive levels of detail along side the graphic frames and colour combinations make for the most engaging and interesting design of the three.

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