Idea 3 looks at this theme of the subconscious, surreal art by artist like Salvador Dali and Giorgio de Chirico and their dream scape paintings. Using similar techniques of obscurity and abstraction shown within these paints and interpreting them into my own designs. Out of the four sets of designs I found these designs to be the most varied in terms of the content.

Using a high horizon line that is typically used within the surrealist paintings and implementing this idea of a long inconsistent shadows that create an erie dream scape that looks slightly strange. I felt the use of these shadows created something a little different and the link to the surrealist artist work was clear.
I then looked at using a large rock within this infinite dream scape and extending the shadow far into the distance. This design I used brown sticky paper for the background to give the design another sense of depth within the image.
This design uses a similar idea but using 3 large monolith like structures with their shadows far extending into the distance. I am very pleased with the aesthetics and overall message of this design I feel it really reflects surrealism and dreams but remains eye-catching and alluring.

Using a much similar tree within the far distance and creating a dream like landscape within the background of this. This design is much more subtle and may need more context or explanation within its design.

Looking at the elephants with long extended legs typically seen within dali's surrealist paintings and creating my own rendition of this. I wanted to create a landscaped background that feels like a dessert.

Using a different paper stock taken from a magazine to create again this dream scape design that looks at archways and shadows like the work of Giorgio de Chirico. The different tones and shades of the design give the design something more and feel much more interesting.
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