Saturday, February 13, 2016

Idea 2.

Looking at ancient masks from around the world and creating a more simplified graphic masks and experimenting with the size and composition within the square format.

I have looked at the devil like japanese ancient mask and using black ink and a brush. The mask I wanted to show large on the centre of the cover. This is more of a quick sketch just to see how the scale of the mask looks within the space. Ink as a material is extremely sharp but can has a fast and spontaneous feel to it.

I then looked at showing four different coloured masks each in a different style. This use of a four images along side each other is prominent in some successful in famous records covers.

This design looks at a similar idea but with coloured backgrounds highlighting this change of colour and style within each of the four masks. The combination of complimentary colour tones and contrasting colour tones of background make the design eye catching but visually appealing. 
I have looked at creating a double overlaid image of a mask again this image is a small sketch just seeing how effective engaging it is. This overlaying of the same image create a 3d effect that stands out on the page. 

Using collage to show a simplified version of one of the masks, the image is intriguing, engaging as it fills the space the use of a few colours keeps the design simple but the image remains clear. I think collage is an interesting material that can create some high quality tactile designs that have an extra feeling of depth.

I have looked at using a black background with white masks as contrast, this allow the design to be much more direct and exciting. The textured background is much more interesting compared to if I had draw the design on the computer, this extra level of depth and tone is something I want to continue with throughout the rest of my designs. 

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