In our groups we then all met to discuss what we had found out about Coral betting and other betting brands. We found that they all used mainly San Serif fonts to keep their branding current and up to date and also that the colour choice was usually primary colours to emphasis there brand as much as possible and make it stand out.

Times New Roman
We thought it was a fairly plain Serif font that
displayed a reasonably up market audience we didn't think it really reflected a betting shop too much because wouldn't stand out from its competitors. The lettering shape is very fine and readable. We also discussed the fact that the text didn't work as it didn't flow and seem part of the same word with lower cases as well. Overall we didn't see too much in using Times Roman as we felt it didn't really reflect the brand and the ideas we were trying to get across.
With Helvetica we first talked about the fact it has been used for so many brands before and doesn't really stand out from the crowd and this is something we really wanted in our designs. However we felt it was very clear and readable and had a lot of room to work with and there was a possibility of creating a lot of different adaptations of Helvetica. Overall we felt it was too close to the original logo and we wanted to totally redesign the brand to give it a different look and try and attract a new audience.
Century Expanded
With this type face much like our analysis of Times Roman we felt the lettering was a little thin and didn't stand out on the page like we wanted. We felt as if Century Expanded was better for large body's of text rather than a main logo. We felt as tho it didn't reflect the brand Coral and seemed a bit bland and Unimpressionable.
We felt again as if Garamond was a little to close to the original and and also seemed a bit too delicate and inappropriate for the betting brand. We talked about the fact that Garamond was not a typical typeface associated with betting.

With the Futura typeface we talked about how the font was readable, clear and quite modern. We then disused that fact the typeface made the brand feel reliable and approachable with the use of circular O's and the slab San Serif styling. We felt as if the typeface would really work on all platforms and in many different sizes and it was quite slick and wasn't over complicated.
After looking at the typeface Bodoni we felt it portrayed a more upmarket and classy brand with the use of the serif lettering and large serifs. We looked at some branding that used Bodoni and they all seemed very professional and trustworthy for example Vogue, Calvin Klein and Armani.
We also felt that it had a real 1920's feel to the styling and as the company Coral was formed in 1926 it reflected the heritage of the brand and was something pretty different form other betting brands we had looked at.
After discussing what we liked and disliked about each typeface. Then looking at what the type speaks about the brand and what kind of art direction we wanted to go. We decided to narrow it down to two type faces being Bodoni and Futura. As they are very different this kept our options very open and we could keep changing our ideas as we went along. The next step we took was we all went away and worked on some initial ideas using these two typefaces to see what we could create and wether out ideas overlapped with each other.

I began by experimenting with as many different variations of type size, style, scale and letter spacing to see what kinda of differences it made on the word. The bold type made the words stand out and look apart from the rest and the larger spacing made the word seem more classy and interesting. We discussed a lot in a group what each variation did for the brand and how it effected the overall feel to the work.

These are some of my first initial designs you can see real variety of colouring used and how theses designs are not what you would straight away associate with betting.

With the type. I felt this made the designs a little more personal and added a slight twist to the existing type. I felt close up my type looked detailed and personal. However from a far they were not legible enough and didn't really work as a bold logo.
With the colour pallet choice we wanted something That would stand out, reflect the exciting colours of the logo but a little more and pastel colourings to atract a new audiecne and stand out from the rest as something different.

These are the main examples of the more refined design ideas. We all as a group discussed each logo and thought about how it worked in the context of a betting company. We decided that tho the Futura designs were very legible and clean we felt it was a little boring and an obvious option and we wanted to play on the idea of creating a total rebrand and that Bodoni worked better for this. However we wanted the design to be a adapted version of the type and extend some parts of the typography to create a totally new design.

Taking the original font and modifying it on photoshop to create a a long swoop to the letter R and the same with the letter C. We felt as if we might change the C back to the normal Bodoni one and modify the O as it would be clear to read yet keeping this more fancy style. This logo below is the final black and white image we all agreed on.

We then had a look at lots of different colour styles and variations using our chosen logo. We felt some of the colours were a little sickly and too green and didn't do justice to the great logo we had. We wanted something that showed the typography best and reflected the new branding we all agreed on. We didn't really like the black typography as it didn't stand out and the colours looked a bit to dark with that colouring.
We felt the colour combination that looked the most clear on screen and really stood out the white typography on the blue background. We also felt this was the most transferable across a lot of sizes and platforms.
After showing out presentation of our work we received different feedback from tutors and students about what we had done. These are my notes taken from the feedback session.
Feedback from study task one of studio practice.
Coral betting rebranding Feed back-
Remember to justify every single design processes.
Colour theory is very important within branding and explain why.
Think about current branding and common trends in branding at the time and in terms of context.
Make sure presentation slides are not too text heavy.
Don't over complicate the designs, less is more.
Keep tag line as part of logo to not over complicate the designs.
Really important to talk about how the individual designs came together to create one design.
Important to have critical analysis of current logos.
Always try and Keep it legible.
Think about language used by company and reflect this into the branding.
Overall presentation was very good but if you were going to sell the brand be much more confident about the designs you have done!
Don't used words like nice or better thy don't help in presentation, talk about the more challenging parts of the designs. Don't over complicate things keep it more simple if you can.
Explain why? More often
Back up what you are saying make more of an impact.
Overall I was very please with the Coral design project I felt we tackled the task very appropriately to create an informed and confident piece of design. Working closely in a group allowed for informed design decisions and high quality research in nearly every aspect of our working.
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