These three images above are my first designs of the front and back cover and the inside first page. I have tried to use type and illustrations to make the information as clear and give it a sort of spacey modern design. Using the type face MFred allowed me to make the large capital letters really stand out and be read from a fare but remaining quite slick, modern and current. The type faces only uses capital letters and is very powerful for titles and bits of information that need to make an impact. At first I wanted my designs to just stand out and be read easily I looked at the tracking and kerning trying to make it as clear and concise as possible allowing the information to speak for itself.
This image above shows the different swatch colours I had taken from the video clips to use within my own designs. The seem slightly strange hear but the colour combinations and how they work on the page was allowed me to chose colours with easy and know that they would communicate what I wanted effectively. The different combinations of blue and greens are something I looked at frequently when creating my these designs.
Laying out my indesign document with the screenshots from the animation as shown above allowed me to consistently refer back and forth between the video and my work to see how my designs looked in context and if it related and used the same styles. Doing this also helped me to pick a appropriate typeface for the top yellow menu for the leaflet that had a strong resemblance to the one used in the animation. VAG rounded medium had the same sleek modern feel to it yet remained readable and friendly. I thought that this friendly aspect was important especially as the leaflet is for government information.
The image on the rights colours then informed my designs for the back page using the same red, dark blue and yellow cream colours in a similar style. The image below shows how my designs were progressing and how I incorporated the same colour palet and layout the animation used. I used the little star from the thumb illustration and used it on the stars in the background of the right hand side page to add extra level of detail and make the leaflet something you might want to pick up and read rather than just throwing it away. You can additionally see the illustration I created of the Earth and difference in quality from the initial designs. I felt these small details are what make the leaflet that more engaging and personal to the reader. I wasn't shore about the use of colour on this Earth illustration at this point and knew I defiantly needed to make it stand out more.
Once again using the colour pallet I had created I experimented with a variety of colours and finally settled on these colours. I felt this design needed to be as inviting as possible as it would be read first after opening the leaflet. I wanted to use one of my statics along side with this illustration to make the reader want to know more and learn how to be safer on the road. I decided that 'The 9th most likely way to die on Earth are car accidents!' with '3,287 deaths a day' along the bottom like shown the the left would be quiet shocking to the reader and something they did not know and make them want to read on. When laying out the type I wanted it to be easy to read direct and informative, experimenting with type sizes and kerning allowed me to create a pretty well informed and concise page layout.
The next stage in this project was to start designing the other back page of this leaflet. This I have found to be much more challenging creating engaging illustrations and info-graphics to do with road safety is a difficult task and needed a lot of consideration and experimentation.
I started by using the same spacing for the border and the yellow headings as the page before to try and keep it as consistent as possible and then simple placing the remaining facts and statistics I had found with a very different colour combination from the first page still using my colour pallets I had previously created.
As the corresponding page that would be along side my '3,287 deaths a day' page is blue and these three pages above were red and pink I decided the information would read a lot better and work more effectively when read if they were the same I created this design above. I wanted to try and make the point that cars in a way pose the biggest immediate danger to people on earth and I though carefully on how I can show this and looked at the stats for deaths per year for things that we would usually associate with danger being lightning and guns and show how car deaths a year totally overshadow them. I created this info-graphic as a kind of podium with car deaths being clearly a lot more frequent out of the three. I am very pleased with how the designs inform the viewer quickly and in a concise manor on the genuine problem of deaths on the road. As you can see above the two very different designs colours did not work together along side each other and becomes a little harsh and overpowering. This is something I am going to look at addressing within the next stages in my project.
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