Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy 2005 film shows animated video of the guide described as 'the standard repository for all knowledge and wisdom' and "a small, thin, flexible lap computer" encased in a "sturdy plastic cover" with the words "Don't Panic" inscribed on it "in large, friendly letters". In the film it is narrated by the comedian Stephen Fry and explains a few different topics like for example, (what the hitchhikers guide is itself and how it is used), (what the alien creature 'Vogans' are and what they do), (what an improbability drive is and what it does) etc. The animation along side the commentary create an amazingly visual and engaging way of communicating something that is not unlike the government videos this project is based on the tone of voice is the same the way it informs the viewer as if they have no knowledge of the subject and communicates this in a clear and concise way.
At the start of each video it shows this kind of category contents page with information on each topic it is referring to. Using a different colour for each subheading creates an interesting hierarchy of information that uses some more comical and fun categories. I would like to emulate this kind of menu within my designs I think for my leaflet I could keep a consistent yellow bar at the top of the page to show what each section is informing the viewer on.
This is the first clip of the animation style it speaks about the guide itself. The use of colour within the animation really gives the overall aesthetic a personal and engaging style. The use of slightly complementary and contrasting tones throughout is eye catching to the viewer and make the viewer want to read the information.

This clip shows the guide talking about the alien creature Vogans, The minimal shapes and use of negative space within the illustrations show the content in a playful and simple style. The colour choice and overall aesthetics of the animation is something I defiantly want to experiment with. The blues, greens and grey colours in particular have a nice harmony to them.
This high horizon line is an aspect of this animation I feel I could replicate in my designs and would be relevant for road safety.

The narration often refers to things that the reader is unaware of and are of a different galaxy all together. I might look at using this in my writing about road safety but I think it might just become confusing and too off topic.

These images below are all taken from clips in the 2005 Hitchhikers guide to he galaxy film showing the minimal yet graphic illustrations. The colour combinations and fantastic use of simple shapes is something I will look at in my own designs.
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