This page is on the rising sea levels in different cities across the world and how many years into the future they are predicted to flood. I found this design engaging as it highlights a very real and present issue in a manor that makes you really immerse yourself in. The viewer is invited look at how long it will be till somewhere near you will flooded. The illustrations of each of the cities adds to this idea of the designs being immersive and engaging. As the cities sea level changes it is very evident from the illustration as to when it will flood and what will be the next city. The use of black outlines for each city is very bold and stands out on the page along side with the different tones of blue this design has a nice spread of information to it and is very visually engaging and informative.
This design shows the worlds most endangered species what I found special about this design is the use of the tree symbolising the different species and how close they are to extinction the tree being the a naturally beautiful thing and a symbol of nature. The tree then designed as a quiet mathematical and formulated design with each different animal having its own branch. This design with the key at the top however is not difficult to read but the way it was displayed in the book was a little awkward and it needed a bit of working out and trying to following the line to see what animal was situated where was a slightly unclear. I think the colour choice also could have been adapted and maybe more natural tho it does highlight the enormity of the matter. Another strong point of this design is it informs the reader on some animals that are very nearly or already extinct that they might not have heard of before.
I have chosen to look at this design for the International Number Ones around the world as I feel it slightly relates to my road safety theme and uses a similar tone of voice to the Hitchhikers Guide videos I have been looking at. This idea of what each country is leading in allows the information to be both good and bad things this creates and engaging mix match of different things that in a way define each country. As the information is very engaging and interesting as is the info-graphic design only has to emphasises this and show the information in the most informative way possible. The simple map design and readable and clear text highlights this.
This design for The Great Firewall Of China is one of my favourites in the whole book this is because the idea is so simple and has been designed in a way that gets this across the the viewer straight away. I love the way the information can be enjoyed and engaged even more the more you study it. The different websites that are banned from China really portray the kind of control the country puts on its people at times. The play on the Great wall of China becoming the Great Firewall of China also draws the readers attention in and makes them want to know more. I think in terms of creating an info-graphic this kind of design that allows the information to be read in the clearest yet most inviting way possible is what really defines a great piece of information design.
Looking at these excellent examples of how information can be designed has really opened my eyes the world of the info-graphic and how it is a brilliant tool in getting the viewer to see information differently and engage with it even tho they wouldn't have if it was shown in a less expressive manor. I want to look at using some aspects I have picked up from the designs into my own workings and seeing how I can make road safety infoemation as exciting and informative as possible.
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