Saturday, March 18, 2017

OUGD503 - Responsive - Studio Brief 02 - Royal Opera House - Scans of Paintings

Another job I undertook to try and make sure that it wasn't just Annie doing all the work was editing the scanned painting that would formulate - the posters, the cards and the packaging. Quality was vital in this and much consideration of the colours used. 

Informed by Annie judgement on colour she expressed that the scan had really removed all the colour and that this was fundamental in the images being striking, with her assistance we ensured the colours were just how she wanted them. 

We in a group discussed the use of hand draw type in the images and decided often it is not needed. Especially in the posters as it was becoming over complicated. 

The images above illustrates the change in colour.

The images additionally needed to be retouched and all the marks removed. Another really enjoyable process that made sure the designs looked great in the end. 

With this editing there had to be a level of trust between me and Annie (the illustrator)  that what I was doing looked up to standard. 

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