Monday, March 13, 2017

OUGD503 - Responsive - Studio Brief 02 - Royal Opera House - Feedback

In our groups we were given the opportunity to receive feedback on our ideas, thoughts on the project and just have a discussion in general. 

We explained the idea of using a series of printed post card sized cards showing the various iconic ballet descriptions and showing a visual example of this on one side and a detailed description on the other. This idea would work alongside our three (or two) animations and a series of posters as well as translated onto poster. 

We explained that our idea was to highlight three themes that are possibly overlooked in the ballet. - The hard work and dedication.  - shown in an animation of the ballet dancers practicing the positions and showing them on stage. 

- The amount of effort that goes into the production - The theatre staff, the conductors, the orchestra and everyone behind the scenes. Shown in the animation we had already started. 

Finally an animation highlighting the athleticism of ballet. Showing the dancers as sports men and women performing the ballet like sports. 

Overall these ideas were very well received and the group felt that they were something a little different and alongside our quite particular style this work should appeal to 'culturally engaged' people. They also spoke about the fact we will be covering a lot of different formats and that this will show how the idea can be really adaptable and appropriate in different medias. 

We asked about how we could possibly show the ideas best online, in the social media sphere. One member of the crit suggested that using QR codes could connect the print content to the online content showing the viewer the animated video via a link. This was a useful idea and could be implemented further on in the project. 

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