Friday, March 10, 2017

OUGD505 - Design Practice 2 - Product Range Distribution - Refugee Research - Olivier Kugler Refugee works

Olivier Kugler Refugee works. Featured in Eye magazine this article on the work of Olivier Kugler is fantastic to see and his work, practice, how he goes about a project is extremely inspiring to see. His recent work looks at stories of refugees and their travels from one destination to the next. 

Explained in the article he utilises made different mediums to create an all encompassing and really interesting piece of work. Taking photos during the interview, recording it on a dictaphone and compiling it all into an illustration along side, at times busy but intriguing typography. Kuglers illustrative style really captures the chaos of the lives of the refugees and gives the viewer a more real insight into the problems they face. 

The Kugler interview and showcase of his work in eye magazine shows how the refugee content is not only relevant but can be displayed in an interesting and engaging format. The article features many pages of converted space in Eye magazine showing their commitment to promoting more awareness and change on this issue. 

Overall Olivier Kuglers style of working allows much reflection and aims to really get to the bottom of an issue and highlight as much as possible every aspect of the issue. 

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