Monday, January 16, 2017

OUGD503 - Responsive - Cool Shit - Creative Review.

This article by Creative Review aims to highlight new and innovative approaches to advertising. As this brief is centred around an ad campaign it is useful to see what they are and how they could be used. 

This refers to the idea of getting the public to try something out, be shocked by something what ever the real world encounter attempts to normalise a product letting the viewer imagine this real world encounter happening to them.

To become 'Trending' is no mean feat but hopefully the advertising should do this through social media this can be emphasised and achieved. 

An idea blown up to a global scale, documented and distributed online means everyone is involved, this idea could be non commercial but has to be eye catching. 

Outlining the importance of apps, as they offer engagement to a wide audience. An app should have a need and not just fill up space. 

This is thinking about the idea of new technologies, innovative ideas and a wow factor that comes with this. Could the MUBI idea utilise new technologies in some way. 

Ideas that do, the final passage explains that in todays world it is not imagery but behaviour that grabs attention. An idea should do more than just show something it needs to be taken further and be really intriguing and different. Make the viewer think!

This information will be very useful when formulating my own ideas that ensure to really engage the viewer. 

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