As this point in the project I spoke to Simon Jones as I was a little unsure on what direction to go into next and how I could move forward in my project. I showed Simon my work on my blog so far and explained my thoughts and ideas I had highlighted so far. At this point I had printed out each of my letters in colour on its own piece of paper so I could begin thinking about the layout and order of my images. Simon made it clear I should definitely look closer at the Orkney's and the stories and mythology with the islands.
He suggested looking for a quote, a poem or story that really relates to my project as this could possibly spark an idea or theme to follow. We spoke of how it would be beneficial to look at the Viking engravings seen at the Neolithic site Maeshowe. As we had the spoke Simon ordered my images into two piles one of the letters that were man made and the other that had been naturally formed, he suggested this could be a way of ordering the images but that for now it would be more important to research the Orkney's in further detail and not worry about the production or refined ideas yet as this will be informed by my research.
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