Sunday, October 16, 2016

OUGD504 - Type In Context - TYPO MAG - Typography in Magazines

This book follows a similar theme to my original brief 'Type in Context' and in this context it is looking at magazines. Due to this similarity looking at how it has been designed, written and produced in relation to the target audience is beneficial to the projects research. The foreword gives the reader an introduction into both the content of the book and how it should be read. The book uses a dust cover as its main cover and the actual books cover is the index this is a way of reaching out to the design world, designers and creative would see this extra level of production and be drawn to the publication. The cover uses a large typeface displaying the words MAG this draws the eye of the viewer and expresses the exact content of the book. The book not only gives a description of the use of type but also a guide and picks out specific typefaces and gives there name. As a young designer is is so so useful and makes the book that little more interactive and engaging. 

Once again the use of language is spot on for the target audience it gives analysis and information but also is not too complex to read and remains interesting.  The publication gives examples of a large variety of magazine this shows a great overview of what is out there and how they contrast and compare. The book also features a key on the side of the publication to add to the readability across the publication. 

The choice of thin light stock means the book can be navigated through with ease and if needed more content could be included without the book being to large. The stock reflects the tactility of the publication relating to magazines and magazine design. The paper choice is also off white this again adds to the readability of the book, off white paper for my publication is key as stack white is uninviting and is not seen within these typography books. 


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