Thursday, October 6, 2016

OUGD504 - Type In Context - My two concepts

Concept 1 - Typographic A-Z.

Target Audience: Type enthusiasts, designers, artists, creatives.

Concept: Simplistic layout displaying the images the main theme of the publication. Emphasising the collection of letterforms showing them A - Z.

Purpose: Showing the images as a photographic collection, the concept built around the imagery. An A-Z in art book form. 

The design must be very considered in terms of the typography and layout. Displayed in an art book style. Coffee Table book? Hard back? Large full bleed images. Each image to be studied in its own right. Specific descriptions of the letterforms in typographic terms. Contemporary style to the design, inline with current typographic books. 

The two images shown are quick mock ups I have created based upon this theme, this is to give a better indication in my critique to my peers of my ideas, I have found that at times it is hard to receive feedback on my ideas as they are unclear, creating these two small and quick mock ups I hope will mean much more feedback. These two mock ups are in no way my final design ideas just an indication to what they could expect. I have really tried to make these two covers as different as possible considering my theme and target audience.

Concept 2 - Orkney Guide to Letters.

Target Audience: Visitors to the Orkney's, bird watchers, historians, old people?, people interested in mythology, Orcadians. 

Concept: A Guide to the Orkney's through a typographic A-Z exploring the history, culture and everything Orkney.

Purpose: A interesting alternative to the Guide books on the Orkney's, showing a different story of the islands. 

This design should be considered as if the book was to be sold in the book shops of the Orkney's. Looking closely at the target market and how this effects the themes of the design. Hand held? Paper Back? Guide Book? Includes locations? A detailed description of the letter forms in the context of the Orkney's written as a story or a journey, including the history, context and any other points of interest. Looking closely at the Mythological/Historical imagery associated with the Orkney's. 

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