As typography is in essence the central theme of the publication looking at a book specifically looking at typography is a valuable way of understanding what to include to appeal to this demographic. This book 'Just My Type' written by Simon Garfield is one of the most (if not the most) popular books on typography, so is the perfect example of what would be appropriate for the demographic.
The last thing to highlight in this book is the language, copy is something I feel I struggle with and I am not a confident writer but if there is ever a book to look at for engaging text on typography and design it is this one. The way that type is discussed is amazingly engaging. I am not particularly captivated by discussions on type but this book really caught my attention. The combination of very analytical descriptions of the type as well as more fun an playful writing setting the scene and talking about what the type provokes make for a great read. Looking at this book along with the 'Orkneyinga Saga' and the 'London Letters' article when writing my descriptions will be very useful. A combination of these three texts but for my images would be ideal. I would love my text to be engaging, descriptive, historical and playful.... but we will have to see. If I was producing this book in the real professional industry getting in a co writer or replacing me as writer all together would be necessary.
This book 'Shady Characters' by Keith Houston is similar in its style to 'Just my Type' the descriptive language of the world of 'Typographical Curiosities' is just what I would like my book to be like. Again the considered use of typography and layout appeals to the type demographic. The cover is again shown on a dust cover with an embossed front and back the use of simple characters and text again shows exsactly what the book is displaying.
Overall I have found these book very useful in understanding what would appeal to the typographic demographic! As awell as the level of quality in production that is expected.
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