Monday, May 8, 2017

OUGD505 - Design Practice 2 - Product Range Distribution - Real Review

Real Review, this magazine highlights interesting issues within everyday life. The content is well researched and gives a slightly different view of the world. 

The really unique thing about the Real Review is the interesting format, the fold suggests an unconventional reading style that is perfect for on the go. This innovation in the format sets it out as something different and gives the magazine a different personality.

At the MagCulture meets UnitEditions this was highlighted as one of the innovative magazines of today. It seems to have a real accolade among the design community mainly due to this format change.  

The images above show how this magazine is read in a number of different ways, the design of course reflects this and the communication and placement of type is not compromised. 

The writing above explains the magazines conception and how Instagram informed the almost throw away minimal styling. As explained the content has really been informed by their own experiences and getting out there and talking to people. There seems to be an openness in this magazines design, content and ideas that is great to see. 

A change in format seems to be a way of grasping a new perspective on the design, this could be a real consideration for the Boarders work. Looking at how it could be read and why a format change would be effective. This also reflects this idea of the publication changing the readers perspective of the content, something that is important in the overall communication of the work. 

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