At this point I have created a overall layout structure and designs for the redesign. The use of three base typefaces keep a modernity and consistency. They include as the main typeface Modern 216, franklin gothic for captions and drop caps, and then finally a small use of Didot, for the logo on the cover and the page number logos. These three typefaces with a large range of weights are all that is needed for a consistent and architectural inspired magazine design.
The use of coloured and different pages allow the reader a visual break, the new design takes the idea of using large type that spans a side of the magazine across the whole magazine design. Uses of illustration take the design to the next level and make it more interesting. This design is simplistic yet aims to display all I have learnt within mag design.
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Artfund - Submission Boards
Along side the poster PDF's the publication PDF's and a folder of the gif's the communication is again really straight forward showing the idea as best possible. These boards give a clear and concise overview of the project.
Artfund - Animated Gif's
Through my feedback the gif's were really highlighted as a great form of communication especially for the student target audience. These more refined gif's were created to appear online and in social media platforms to express the 'something for everyone' theme. They are the most effective form of communication in this project and the message becomes clear and effective. Consistency in the design is vital so none of the imagery looks out of place.
These 9 gif's reflect the theme 'something for everyone' theme, using all the copy needed to put the viewer in the right direction. The timing has been made fairly fast pace to keep the attention of the millennial audience. Overall the communication is clear effective and direct. I wanted the designs to be too the point and this is a success. The idea is very simple so this needed to be reflected in the design and delivery. The bright colours are typical of of the Artfund and are inline with the brand guidelines.
These 9 gif's reflect the theme 'something for everyone' theme, using all the copy needed to put the viewer in the right direction. The timing has been made fairly fast pace to keep the attention of the millennial audience. Overall the communication is clear effective and direct. I wanted the designs to be too the point and this is a success. The idea is very simple so this needed to be reflected in the design and delivery. The bright colours are typical of of the Artfund and are inline with the brand guidelines.
Artfund - Printed publication
Artfund - Poster designs
In light of recent feedback and outlining the copy choice for the designs these 16 poster have been created. They have been designed to work both in tandem with their pair poster as well as communicating the same message singularly. The theme of 'Something for Everyone' has become the prominent concept for exploration. It is simple, easy to carry out and doesn't need over explanation. Much like the rest of Artfund's advertising.
As displayed above the designs try to illustrate the idea that the Student Art Pass offers so much choice and it doesn't matter if your into classical stuff or contemporary, something big or something small.
Keeping to the brand guidelines ensures the work is useable and feels inline with the other artfund collateral. All in all the communication is simple, effective and inline with artfunds tone of voice and ethos. The poster don't need added explanation and this works the there advantage.
As displayed above the designs try to illustrate the idea that the Student Art Pass offers so much choice and it doesn't matter if your into classical stuff or contemporary, something big or something small.
Keeping to the brand guidelines ensures the work is useable and feels inline with the other artfund collateral. All in all the communication is simple, effective and inline with artfunds tone of voice and ethos. The poster don't need added explanation and this works the there advantage.
Monday, March 26, 2018
Artfund - Copy Ideas
In terms of planning the content the copy is really important as it will make up the majority of the communication. Planning this out is really important to make really effective quick posters. I plan on creating a number of different poster under the same theme. As well as an animation for online distribution.
For a limited time between October and December you can get the Student Art Pass for only £5.
That covers over 700 museums, galleries and historic places across the UK.
or something classical (dulwich picture gallery)
the Student Art Pass has you covered.
So don't miss out visit to find out more.
For a limited time between October and December you can get the Student Art Pass for only £5.
That covers over 700 museums, galleries and historic places across the UK.
Including free entry into over 240 charging museums. As well as 50% off major exhibitions.
So whatever your looking for,
So whatever your looking for,
something gigantic! (KAWS @ YSP)
or something minature (ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM - Miniature cups)
outside the box (Francis bacon - all too human ) unorthodox
Or firmly within in it (by the book) the Capel family @ National portrait gallery
something outdoors (Barbara Hepworth museum and sculpture garden cornwall)
or in (science museum London)
something grand (20 Years of Treasure @ the oxforshire museum)
or something simple ( anni Albers @ tate modern)
Something old (Charles I: King and Collector @ RA)
or something new (The image of the world can be different @ kettles Yard)
Something silly (david Shrigley)
Or something serious (Jacob Epstein, Italian Peasant Woman, 1907 -Picturing People: The Ingram Collection The Lightbox)
Something contemporary (turner contemporary)
or something classical (dulwich picture gallery)
Something loud (A History of Fashion in 100 Objects)
or something quiet (Anthony McCall: Solid Light Works)
something energetic (Ferrari Under the skin )
or something relaxing (kew Gardens london)
Something near (Tate Modern)
or something far (Pier Arts Centre - Orkney stromness)
the Student Art Pass has you covered.
So don't miss out visit to find out more.
Now as these designs have been realised they can be designed and tested, starting with the posters as these will be the main form of communication.
Artfund - feedback
In light of a recent crit I have received feedback on the ideas so far and where to take it further. I proposed a number of questions to ensure the feedback is what I need and the designs can be improved.
I showed each of the 6 gifs I had created previously as well as a brief explanation about them. I asked which idea stands out as well as what can be done to improve it. The work I explained uses art as the main assets ask outlined in the brief.
Idea number 2 was highlighted as really relevant and would speak to the student target audience due to its immediacy. Furthermore the group explained how as many of the ideas have small details that make them interesting, combining some of these would make an overall concept that is relevant and multi-dimensional.
For the map designs the website snazzy maps was pointed out as it has more colourful and less 'google' map designs.
In light of this feedback the designs must be translated into more finished outcomes and presented in a concise presentation boards.
I showed each of the 6 gifs I had created previously as well as a brief explanation about them. I asked which idea stands out as well as what can be done to improve it. The work I explained uses art as the main assets ask outlined in the brief.
Idea number 2 was highlighted as really relevant and would speak to the student target audience due to its immediacy. Furthermore the group explained how as many of the ideas have small details that make them interesting, combining some of these would make an overall concept that is relevant and multi-dimensional.
For the map designs the website snazzy maps was pointed out as it has more colourful and less 'google' map designs.
In light of this feedback the designs must be translated into more finished outcomes and presented in a concise presentation boards.
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Magazine Redesign - Cover Ideas and tests

Through my feedback the square coloured design was highlighted as different and interesting. I have tested these designs and looked at a number of different covers. Aiming to understand what works best and how this can be improved. Overall there is something not quite right about the headline so these details will need to be ironed out.
Magazine Redesign - Cover ideas
After the research into editorial design and how to begin a redesign, these cover designs were created. I aimed to test a really large range of design styles ideas, inspired by the covers from UnitEditions Impact 1.0 & 2.0. After showing the gif to a number of people it seems like the serif design is the preferable choice. Also the use of the square to contain the title and use of colour across a number of different covers proved interesting and could begin to create a consistancy.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Magazine Redesign - Speaking to a Magazine Designer
For some primary research I spoke to my dad, on his experience of magazine redesigns. He was able to over see many redesigns over the years and worked on the Architects Journal in the 80's. He explained the important things to consider and what make architectural editorial different.
The first thing he said was about the plans and how they are always in a very ordered layout. This allows consistency between plans so the can be compared easily. Often with the ground floor at the bottom and then first and second above that.
He explained the first thing to do is think about the logo and heading, whether this would be AR or Architectural Review or even both. This will dictate the rest of the magazine so should be considered.
Testing a few headlines on magazine covers will allow for a clear understanding of how they work together, the consistency between them and how they communicate.
The next thing would be to think about he introduction text. This often is the first part of the magazine and would need dictate the rest of the copy design.
In terms of the grid he explained that a 5, 7 or 9 grid allow for a odd number and a gap on the edge, this can be used to your advantage. More space around the edges makes the designs feel more or less upmarket.
In terms of architectural magazines there need to be a connection to the building and how you view it and the editorial spreads. Think about showing a journey through a building in a magazine spread.
Another consideration as the magazine uses many quotes think about a consistency design using quotations.
With architectural magazines there are lots of pictures, lots of plans of these buildings so think about how these can be utilised best.
Another consideration should be the use of gate folds & foldouts as this can really enhance a design and gives more pages.
The final point he made was how the design should not dominate the publication but show off the work for what it is. Allow the content to be the focus.
This inside knowledge has been so valuable in terms of how to approach the design and what to consider first. After this research I feel confident about beginning the redesign.
The first thing he said was about the plans and how they are always in a very ordered layout. This allows consistency between plans so the can be compared easily. Often with the ground floor at the bottom and then first and second above that.
He explained the first thing to do is think about the logo and heading, whether this would be AR or Architectural Review or even both. This will dictate the rest of the magazine so should be considered.
Testing a few headlines on magazine covers will allow for a clear understanding of how they work together, the consistency between them and how they communicate.
The next thing would be to think about he introduction text. This often is the first part of the magazine and would need dictate the rest of the copy design.
In terms of the grid he explained that a 5, 7 or 9 grid allow for a odd number and a gap on the edge, this can be used to your advantage. More space around the edges makes the designs feel more or less upmarket.
In terms of architectural magazines there need to be a connection to the building and how you view it and the editorial spreads. Think about showing a journey through a building in a magazine spread.
Another consideration as the magazine uses many quotes think about a consistency design using quotations.
With architectural magazines there are lots of pictures, lots of plans of these buildings so think about how these can be utilised best.
Another consideration should be the use of gate folds & foldouts as this can really enhance a design and gives more pages.
The final point he made was how the design should not dominate the publication but show off the work for what it is. Allow the content to be the focus.
This inside knowledge has been so valuable in terms of how to approach the design and what to consider first. After this research I feel confident about beginning the redesign.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Magazine Redesign - Architectural Review Aims and Outcomes
After much consideration and thought I have decided to redesign the architectural review magazine, this magazine has a lot of history in the field and was established in 1896. This gives it long-standing reputation in the field of architectural journalism and the content is not only really well put together there is a possibility for a redesign to improve the designs. The older issue seems to have much more of a consistent structure to the design and the more clear logotype and heading. This is something I would want to bring back in the cover.
My aims are to create a structure that is usable and can be shown transferring across a number of issues. This would show how the magazine redesign would be successful. Picking a number of new typefaces is a task that would need to be undertaken as well as a grid system that can be carried across the publication.
My aims are to create a structure that is usable and can be shown transferring across a number of issues. This would show how the magazine redesign would be successful. Picking a number of new typefaces is a task that would need to be undertaken as well as a grid system that can be carried across the publication.
Magazine Redesign - Research - Motion Publication
Even though this publication has no connection to architecture it is really great to see some contemporary editorial design. The publication has so many different layout designs, the lack of words is much like the COLORS magazine issue previously researched. It is really important I feel to understand what is popular in contemporary graphic design so to ensure the magazine is current and up to date.
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