Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Magazine Redesign - Speaking to a Magazine Designer

For some primary research I spoke to my dad, on his experience of magazine redesigns. He was able to over see many redesigns over the years and worked on the Architects Journal in the 80's. He explained the important things to consider and what make architectural editorial different.

The first thing he said was about the plans and how they are always in a very ordered layout. This allows consistency between plans so the can be compared easily. Often with the ground floor at the bottom and then first and second above that.

He explained the first thing to do is think about the logo and heading, whether this would be AR or Architectural Review or even both. This will dictate the rest of the magazine so should be considered.

Testing a few headlines on magazine covers will allow for a clear understanding of how they work together, the consistency between them and how they communicate.

The next thing would be to think about he introduction text. This often is the first part of the magazine and would need dictate the rest of the copy design.

In terms of the grid he explained that a 5, 7 or 9 grid allow for a odd number and a gap on the edge, this can be used to your advantage. More space around the edges makes the designs feel more or less upmarket.

In terms of architectural magazines there need to be a connection to the building and how you view it and the editorial spreads. Think about showing a journey through a building in a magazine spread.

Another consideration as the magazine uses many quotes think about a consistency design using quotations.

With architectural magazines there are lots of pictures, lots of plans of these buildings so think about how these can be utilised best.

Another consideration should be the use of gate folds & foldouts as this can really enhance a design and gives more pages.

The final point he made was how the design should not dominate the publication but show off the work for what it is. Allow the content to be the focus.

This inside knowledge has been so valuable in terms of how to approach the design and what to consider first. After this research I feel confident about beginning the redesign.

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