Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Finalising designs

 This screen shot shows how I began my designing of my broad letter forms. I needed to keep the angle on the top and bottom flat and the 3d section shifting to the right to create a broad wider version of the Akzidenz Grotezk letter forms. Using Indesign and Illustrator allowed me to create accurate strokes where I wanted them quickly. Using my sketches this informed my designs and helped me locate when the extension of the letter would need to be placed. Making sure all the lines lined up and were accurate in scale and stroke size proved very time consuming but had great effects. I wanted to try and keep the bold stems of each letter form and build upon the typeface at this point rather than completely creating a new one.

These are the three variations of thickness of stroke I have looked at. Each gives a very different overall effect and have different levels of clarity. If I chose this as my final type design I would be good to keep these three different designs as variations of the type showing light to bold. For me personally I feel the middle typeface I bold yet isn't illegible in its shape and would be the best design to take forward. I wanted to emulate the powerful strokes of the letter forms and extend upon them to create a useable and easy to read broad Azidenz Grotesk.

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