These are the different pages I displayed for my final presentation showing my progression of ideas and designs throughout this project based on my research. I wrote down four questions to aid my feedback and gather more informed and in depth feedback on my project.
'How effectively does the typeface display the theme broad and why?'
The feedback spoke of the the consistency of the letters and the fact the wide lettering feel large and reflected broad, they also spoke of the effect of the small counters adding to this and creating an even more broad feel to the designs. They also talked about how thick and bold the type felt.
'How consistent is the typeface and so any letters stand out as different?'
This feed back was a little more varied compared to the first question. The feedback spoke about the designs being consistent on a general level yet some letters could have been changed a little to improve on this. The C with the two diagonals at the ends of the two strokes looked out of place and looked like pac man! I felt I wanted to keep the type similar to the original Akzidenz Grotesk and their letter form shapes that I why I did this. They also spoke about the E, G and S being a little out of place this is something I identified when designing my type and tried to address as best I could yet I found difficult to keep thick and identifiable.
'Out of the four finalised designs do you think I chose the most appropriate for the word Broad?' The feedback mainly stated I had made the right decision as it reflected a broad typeface best out of all of them. Yet they also stated that the original more finalised drawing on page eight was much more wide than the digital design and this felt more effective. And that the 3D designs didn't show broad as much.
'In what context could you see the typeface being used?'
The feedback spoke about how the type could be used in film and movie posters, magazine headlines, billboards and maybe a music festival poster. This is what I was aiming for a widely usable display typeface that shows the information very bold and clean that stands out from the rest.
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