Leeds Art Gallery Way finding and signage.
I have visited Leeds Art Gallery to conduct some primary research into way finding around galleries and different aspects and details of the actual signage along side how easy it is to actually navigate around.
The basis of the signage was designed around this orange type with various letters like the W and R shown here. This small detail gives the signage individuality and a its own unique image.
Along side this orange type there was a this grey and black signage this was more informative and showed more practical things on the signage like were the library, shop and lift's are. This use of two different colours allows the viewer to read
These images show again the different variations of sign type, size of text and various information that I feel could be more consistent and flow better within the gallery. The use of arrows is not very consistent and could be much more readable if they were all the similar size and shape. This is something I will carry though into my own signage to inform my designs.
The gallery is also in tangent with the Henry Moore Institute and they are connected. This is another thing I personally felt was not sign posted enough and could have been much more clear and concise.
The use of lettering was very different with the two gallery's and this I felt was effective in making each space feel much more individual and a different tone of art.
Type is a way of expressing a tone of voice and different degree's of formality because of this I am going to take type and the use of different and similar typefaces into my designs to try and experiment with the different levels of detail and complexity and how it relates to the way finding process.
These images show how signage must be used in different contexts and on very different materials and surfaces this is again something I must think greatly about for my designs what differences have been made with the different ways of showing signage. Overall when thinking about the way finding systems for Leeds Art Gallery I was pleasantly surprised with both the general consistency and overall modern and new style of displaying type with a slightly alliterated letter forms. This make the gallery feel much more contemporary and puts the gallery in a very positive light.
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