Story one. Starting with a zomed in shot of the ballet dancers feet slowly panning out to show the stage and the crowd, then the whole theatre and then back stage. Highlighting the idea that there is so much more that goes into the production. The back stage members, the crew the ushers. Trying to spark more of an interest through the fact the ballet is a massive production.

Story 2. Showing a ballet dancer from a young age, practicing over and over again the same jump, showing the same jump over and over and the dancer getting much better at it. then finally them jumping onto the stage followed by a huge reception from the crowd. Highlight the pain, dedication and effort the dancers have to go to.
These two ideas were put forward to the group, this second idea was very similar to an idea that Tom (another group member) had drawn up. So we felt this could in some way be incorporated.
After seeing some of the ideas we decided that it would be best to write up some story boards relating to three themes associated with ballet.
- Hard Work
- Athleticism
- Production
These would form three small shorts that could come together into one large animation.
We decided in the group that we should write up some ruff story boards ( me and James). Scan in some of the free images for collage (Tom) and begin some initial drawings (Annie). Then we could meet again and finalise ideas, and begin to look at how the designs might look.
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