Over the christmas break I was able to visit the Beazly Designs of the Year at the Design Museum. For studio brief 02 this has been really useful as each project selected for the competition has a focus on ethical, social, political and cultural issues.
This work by lego is an example of a large international company having a continuousness about what they put out there and ensuring that Lego represents everyone. Creating a wheel chair and a guide dog, lego figure may seem like a small thing but it shows a level of care for disabled people around the world. This is a simple yet touching thing that more toy companies could do to be more continuous about issues in the world.
These work titled 'Hello Ruby' looks at educating young people about technology, in this case coding. It is an example of work that deals with quite a dry issue but in a way that makes it amazingly engaging and informative.
I feel with ethical and social design there is a general feeling that the design has to be really boring and straight forward but this is not the case. This work demonstrates that though appropriate research and knowledge of what the target audience enjoys a really inspiring and clever piece of work can be made, that also looks great and is designed brilliantly
This kind of research will come in handy when looking at product range and distribution in future research.
Another really innovative and interesting project, relating to society, culture as well as new technologies and transport. This is a really clever idea and has been designed to fit to this. The original problem is a navigation for bike users, the solution is the BeeLine, it works by simply showing an arrow of the direction of the final destination and letting the user decide the route they take to this.
Another example of product range and possible distributions. There is a knowledge of the field, the users and how it might be sold. Another all round fantastic project.
This work by the collaborative group - Grupa is really interesting, using social media as a tool for political protest. The idea is to bring designers together with a singular goal of getting their voices heard. I will look further into Grupa's ideas and principles relating to ethics.
This work is another that will be really good to research further. A way finding system for Refugees is a really current and 'problematic' issue that would be a great basis for more research.
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