To understand how ethics relate to graphic design, first there must be an understanding of the word, Ethics govern how we behave in society based on our moral principles. For designers these ethics are put in the spot light through our designs and decisions.

Another quote highlighted that relates to me and my practice is this one from Nancy Bernard - 'in reality branding, our responsibility is to make the communication 200 percent real. Make it honest. Make it relevant. Avoid hyperbole. Be Respectful.' I feel there has to be a continuousness in design, design shouldn't lie, and design shouldn't waste.
Finally this quote from Anthony Grayling - ' ...ethics is a more inclusive notion. It's about the whole quality of life. The aesthetic becomes really vital to that because to live in a social and political setting which is pleasing, enticing and attractive, and which is full of interest, detail, colour and movement increases the quality of life'. Another great quote, I feel design should improve the quality of life, is design isn't doing that it isn't successful.
Sustainability - Design I think should be sustainable in all ways, there should be no step in the process that is not sustainable, there should never be a continuousness to waste.
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