OUGD505 - Design Practice 2 - Product Range Distribution - Refugee Republic
Another project highlighted at the Beazley designs of the year is the 'Refugee Republic'. The idea is to give more of an insight into the life at a refugee camp. Illustrated through drawn imagery alongside photographs this award winning work taps into a really poignant issue. With a sensitive issue it is interesting to see how the design is considered. The work is displayed in a interactive map, this has many advantages and disadvantages firstly it is pretty hard to navigate and when looking though it is hard to know if you have see it all. However the interactivity make the work stand out as something different.
This hand drawn, ruff style is pretty typical of design work relating to social, political etc issues. I think their is an immediacy to this style that is favoured. It can be more out there without making too much of a statement.
These drawn illustrations give the viewer a sense of the conditions that the people live in at the camp. This illustrative style can be easily animated however it could be seen a not showing the truth something that people living in the camp may be against.
The use of photos alongside the illustrations is really interactive and gives an extra dimension. Though the project is interesting in concept I don't know how much of a real insight this gives into the struggles that they experience on a daily basis.
As well as the drawings their are these more infographic style pages about the various items that each person (family) has in the camp. The use of hand drawn type is again present, this could be done to try and be as sensitive to the issue as possible. I think this project is interesting but I don't know how much it really does in terms of promoting the issue.
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