As this image was something that out tutors picked up on being a interesting theme to explore in our new concepts due to the use the image looking like they have been created in half tone CMYK. I learnt how to create a working CMYK separation in photoshop this would mean if our ideas were chosen we as a group could screen print any posters, designs that would work as our identity, this images abstract shapes and patterns would lend themselves to a interesting basis for the identity.
The choice of type is something that they highlighted in our feed back as needing work. The thin style of Neo sans Arabic didn't stand out enough against the background and needed to be thicker and more immediate.
We as a group discussed after the feed back on how our designs should really emphasis the half tone screen print theme. I took it on myself to begin thinking about there feedback and creating some new more refined work, the theme of the exhibition being about print processes and the CMYK half tone emphasising this. I began by testing some money images to see if they would be appropriate for the background image. The images worked well from fare away but didnt seem popular when shown the the group. They felt the detial was lost in the tones and wasn't clear enough.
Using the image of Bank House we used previously in our work, I have experimenting with a range of different CMYK frequencies and angles for each of the different CMYK colours, this gave very different final results that I could initially test as a logo and decided after which grain and pattern felt most appropriate.
I then used a much thicker Century Gothic typeface in bold on these different patterned half tones. The type seemed to add a clarity to the designs and made for a more distinctive brand that could be advertised more consistently. The use of a double overlayed type in magenta and yellow connected the background image to the forground but the type and content remained clear. I felf this design was a big improvedment concidering the feedback. As the CMYK needed to half tone images needed to be more ambiguious and abstract I looked to experiment with some different varitions.

Using the two dollar sign paintings by Andy Warhol I have again created a very large range of backgrounds, some more and less detiled, changing the frequency of dots and the angle to show a large range of ideas. Each different background would become the frame of contrasting logos designs, I thought the very englared doe iamges worked best with the theme and it would be clear the designs used CMYK half tones. The dollar imagery clearly related to the bank note theme aswell as the digital print processes used in the exhibition.

Taking my images of bank house and seperating the differnt CMYK layers and rotating them made the designs much more dynamic and punchy, the image of Bank House was not as divititive and was much more abstract, using the same double layed type throughout, I have again created a range of idea to show the group and see what they think.
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